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Vodafone Rural Pub Coverage Scheme

Vodafone signal in pubs 
The UK network Vodafone have launched a new pilot scheme in partnership with the rural pub organisation known as "Pub is The Hub". The new scheme will provide four rural community pubs with reliable indoor mobile coverage for the first time.

Called the Rural Community Pub programme, the pilot will involve the installation of Vodafone's Premium Sure Signal at four rural pubs in the UK. Two will be in Norfolk and one each in Dyfed and Flintshire in Wales. The discreet 'femtocell' unit , which is about the size of a small broadband router will connect to the pubs' existing fixed broadband connection and provide reliable, deep indoor 3G voice coverage and high-speed 3G mobile internet access for employees and their regulars.

If the scheme proves successful, you may find one in your local pub soon!

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